July 3rd - 4th, 2025
10th Emerging Trends in Marketing and Management International Conference .
Organized and hosted by: The Marketing School, The Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Bucharest, Romania
ETIMM Conference aims to create a friendly and approachable environment, where all the participants (including senior worldwide scholars, faculty members, PhD students, researchers, and business practitioners) are guiding and mentoring each other, bringing value with every presentation and every interaction.
The 10th Emerging Trends in Marketing and Management International Conference will take place on July 3rd - 4th 2025, in a hybrid format at the Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Romania.
To create the perfect environment for scientific discussion, networking and innovation, ETIMM conference creates for you a unique blend of academic, business, and cultural experiences, which will offer any participant a one-of-a-kind marketing and management memory.

The future of retail: without physical stores and with direct-to-consumer channels?
Keynote speaker
Els Breugelmans, PhD
Professor Dr. Els Breugelmans is a Full Professor at the Faculty of Economics and Business of KU Leuven, Antwerp campus, where she is affiliated with the Research Unit Marketing Management. Her scientific research focuses on empirically modeling retail issues, including topics such as omni-channel purchasing behavior, retailer-manufacturer relationships, and loyalty programs. Her research has been published in top academic journals such as the Journal of Marketing, Journal of Marketing Research, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, International Journal of Research in Marketing and Journal of Retailing. She is AE of the Journal of Retailing and International Journal of Research in Marketing, and a member of the editorial review boards of Journal of Marketing and the Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science. She is often consulted by the written and spoken media to voice her opinion about recent retailing trends and evolutions.
Charting the Path Ahead: Marketing Where Innovation Meets Humanity and Data
Keynote speaker
George S. Spais, Ph.D.
George S. Spais Ph.D., FCIM, Adjunct Faculty Member, Hellenic Open University, School of Social Sciences (Patras, Greece) and Open University of Cyprus, Faculty of Humanity and Social Sciences (Nicosia, Cyprus).
His expertise includes promotion management, digital promotions, digital marketing, and marketing education. His research works have appeared in international, refereed, and indexed scholarly journals (including the Journal of Consumer Behaviour, Journal of Strategic Marketing, Journal of Promotion Management, Journal of Marketing Analytics, Thunderbird International Business Review, European Journal of International Management, and Marketing Education Review), conference proceedings (including conferences of the Academy of Marketing Science and the American Marketing Association) and book chapters. He serves as deputy editor (since 2024), senior associate editor (2023-2024), associate editor of the Journal of Promotion Management (2014-2023), and senior associate editor of the Journal of Consumer Behaviour (since 2024) and as associate editor of the same journal (2023-2024). He is a member of the Academy of Marketing Science (USA), the European Marketing Academy of the European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management (Belgium), the Marketing Academy (UK), the American Marketing Association (USA), the Marketing Educators’ Association (USA), the EuroMed Academy of Business of the EuroMed Research Business Institute (Cyprus), the Greek Marketing Academy (Greece), Hellenic Institute of Marketing (Greece), and the Hellenic Adult Education Association.

Important Dates .
Abstract Submission not later than April 30th, 2025
Full Paper Submission not later than July 31st, 2025
Abstract Acceptance Notification in 10 days, not later than May 12th, 2025
Conference Registration – Early-Bird* April 14th – June 1st, 2025
Conference Registration – Regular* June 2nd – 20th, 2025
Conference Days July 3rd-4th, 2025
*Should the paper not be accepted, the author’s conference fee payment will be refunded. However, after June 10th, 2025 any cancellation will be non-refundable.

One of Romania’s centennial universities, established by Royal Decree on April 6, 1913. It is the leader in the field of Romanian business and public administration studies.
The Bucharest University of Economic Studies .
Our higher-education institution is also a research-intensive university, institutionally accredited by the Romanian Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education, a status also confirmed by U‐Multirank.
As an important part of the Bucharest University of Economic Studies, the Marketing School is the leader of its field in Romania, ranked A class by the Ministry of Education. The Marketing School was also evaluated by the European Universities Association, as well as included in the U-Multirank classification.
Partners .